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Citation :
« At the heart of [Marquise] Lepage's documentary is a television interview that [Alice] Guy-Blaché gave in the 1960s, a few years before she died. Well into her eighties, the white-haired elfin woman comes across as quick-minded and clear-eyed about her career, a practical pioneer with a sense of the important part she played in early filmmaking. For her interview, and the segments of Guy-Blaché's films that are interposed throughout the documentary, The Lost Garden is valuable and illuminating. Unfortunately, the subject of the film is far more fascinating than its frame. Director [Marquise] Lepage's film is an exercise in historical retrieval that threatens to bury its subject in coyness. »
-- Liam Lacey

Source :
LACEY, Liam. « A subject who's more fascinating than the frame », critique de Le jardin oublié : la vie et l'oeuvre d'Alice Guy-Blaché, Globe and Mail, 10 novembre 1995. [en anglais]