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Citation :
« So for the next four days Cinethon, billed as a festival of North American New Cinema, will take over Cinecity from La Guerre Est Finie. [...] Among the films: Bill's Hat, in which Judy Lamarsh makes her movie debut. Also featuring Timothy Leary, Dick Gregory and Soupy Sales. [...] Cinethon's mixed media show by Joyce Wieland is, oddly enough, a mixture of media. Slides wil be projected on a screen while a film is being shown, with a kinetic jazz background added. 'She even wanted to cook some onions to provide a smell,' [festival co-ordinator Bill] Fothergill noted. 'But we didn't have anywhere to cook them.' »
-- Martin Knelman

Source :
KNELMAN, Martin. « Film happening taking over Cinecity », Toronto Star, 15 juin 1967. [en anglais]