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Citation :
« Although [Sarah] Polley cuts away to quick flashbacks and stylized still shots telegraphing women's isolation even amid close proximity, most of the action occurs in the hay-strewn barn, filmed by Luc Montpellier in dreary shades of gray. (Kate Hallett, playing a young girl named Autje, provides the somber, Days of Heaven-like narration.) The dour, desaturated palette gives Women Talking an appropriate air of timelessness but also saps vitality and visual interest from a frame that is taken up with—what else?—women talking. The effect becomes increasingly oppressive as the arguments wax and wane, about everything from the etymological difference between 'leaving' and 'fleeing' to the nature of forgiveness. »
-- Ann Hornaday

Source :
HORNADAY, Ann. « 'Women Talking': Political debate becomes declaration of independence », critique de Women Talking, Washington Post, 4 janvier 2023. [en anglais]