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Citation :
« Embedded within [Nell] Shipman's narrative [The Silent Screen & My Talking Heart] [...] are the movies that created her even as she was scripting and acting in them; she became 'the Girl from God's Country' due to casting and marketing pressures and an internalized identification with her screen image. Embedded within [Sharon] Pollock's play [Moving Pictures] are events and passages from Shipman's autobiography, but the Nell Shipman figure in the play is much more than the woman Shipman herself portrays because Pollock creates a multiple self-portrait of a woman artist looking back on her life to understand its meaning and value. »
-- Sherrill Grace

Source :
GRACE, Sherrill. « Creating the Girl from God's Country: From Nell Shipman to Sharon Pollock », Canadian Literature, no. 172 (printemps 2002), pp. 92-111. [en anglais]