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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« [Loved, Honoured And Bruised], her 1979 half-hour study of a battered wife and her husband, is [Gail Singer's] best known piece of work. When she made it she 'sweated' over a line in her narration where she advanced the idea that the battered child could well become the adult who in turn is involved in the same situation. There wasn't much data around to support this thesis: she was relying on her own analysis of what she'd discovered. And her own feelings. But that, she maintains, is what all film making is about: an exploration. It's emotional as well as analytical. And her documentaries are no exception. She looks to be moved, to be surprised or shocked. More than anything, she does them to find something she didn't know before. Now she is about to update the film, to see what happened to everyone since. »
-- Peter Goddard

Source :
GODDARD, Peter. « Movie maker Gail Singer in focus », Toronto Star, 6 mars 1990. [en anglais]