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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« At the Underground Festival that ran night and day in late December at the Elgin Theater, [Michael] Snow's films were pure reflective intelligence within an exacting, hard-nosed compositional system. The direct opposite is a random, hit-and-miss quality in Joyce Wieland's La Raison Avant La Passion, a veritable pasture of expansive landscape imagery. The film is divided into three sections, a green section of the East Coast, then a middle which is an ode to Trudeau (mostly Canadian flags and hot orange-red-pink face shots) and lastly an extraordinary white endlessness of snowscape. »
-- Manny Farber

Source :
FARBER, Manny. « Film », Artforum, vol. 8, no. 5, janvier 1970. (p. 82) [en anglais]