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Citation :
« The production design is respectful and well-researched, and the cinematography features gorgeous wide shots of wide-open farmland, the colour unsaturated and evocative of a place out of time in a culture all its own. Women Talking pulls the threads of sorrow, joy, anger and faith together to explore the nature of forgiveness and patriarchy, and the determination that these women matter enough to leave their abusers behind. While [Miriam] Toews's original story is linked to the 'ghost rapes' at the Manitoba Colony in Bolivia more than a decade ago, the film never mentions Mennonites of any geographic location. Instead, [Sarah] Polley considers the film a 'fable' and the plot diverges significantly from historical events. »
-- Mandy Elliott

Source :
ELLIOTT, Mandy. « Film review: sorrow, joy, anger and faith », critique de Women Talking, Canadian Mennonite, 22 février 2023. [en anglais]