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Citation :
« During the 1950s, Dorothée Brisson and Suzanne Caron worked for the Service de ciné-photographie du Québec. [...] They made three documentaries together in 1958, and Brisson made three others between 1956 and 1964. Brisson states that they did not consider themselves filmmakers. They saw themselves as civil servants whose job was to shoot film, not to make 'movies.' They worked on all aspects of their films: they wrote the synopsis, took a 35 mm camera with a tripod, and shot images that they would later edit. »
-- Jocelyne Denault

Source :
DENAULT, Jocelyne. « A Short History of Women in Film in Quebec: Behind the Camera but Behind the Men » , dans Changing Focus: The Future for Women in the Canadian Film and Television Industry, sous la direction de Toronto Women in Film and Television, Toronto, Toronto Women in Film and Television, 1991. [en anglais] (p. 125)