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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« [John] Grierson called me up one day and said, 'Judy, can you cook?' I'd been married only a couple of months and I wasn't sure. I said 'Why?' He said, 'I think we can get some money from the Department of Agriculture to try a film about cooking apples, because there is a surplus.' This was the very first time that the Film Board had been able to finance a coloured film. I think that a lot of the reason that certain films were made and certain others weren't was Grierson's uncanny ability of finding where there might be a little money to use for artistic purposes. »
-- Judith Crawley

Source :
DENISKO, Olga, dir, 4 Days in May (6 to 9): Films, Workshops, Share and Exchange Ideas; A Report, Montreal, National Film Board of Canada, 1975. 'Photography - Mary Daemen, Karen Marginson, Ches Yetman. N.F.B. Archives, & 'women from the earliest years'. Drawings - Michael Didur, Blake James'. [en anglais] [rapport]