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réalisatrices canadiennes
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Citation :
« Although [Joyce] Wieland's work had from the early part of her career been concerned with sex and sexuality, including considerable attention to phallic sexuality, in Water Sark one can see in process her 'discovery' of the feminine body. This 'feminine body' is traced upon the female body in much of her work, but it also becomes a practice of image construction through which she is able to operate the feminine over the male body in a very literal displacement of the phallic. »
-- Kay Armatage

Source :
ARMATAGE, Kay. « The Feminine Body: Joyce Wieland's Water Sark » , dans Dialogue : cinéma canadien et québécois = Dialogue: Canadian and Quebec Cinema, sous la direction de Michael Dorland, Seth Feldman et Pierre Véronneau, Montréal, Mediatexte Publications, 1987. [anglais / français] (pp. 286-287)