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Citation :
« There is something impudent and annoying about movies that try to teach us virtue. Don't we know what virtue is already? Yet Frances-Anne Solomon's Hero [...] gets away with goodness. Its style has a full-on naivety, faux or actual. The images hurtle out like comic-strip frames with matching simplified dialogue, as Solomon narrates the life of the title Trinidadian. Ulric Cross became a lawyer, then a world war hero (80 bombing trips over Germany), then a diplomat and key player in the liberation of new African nations: Ghana, Cameroon, Tanzania. It isn't just a comic book for the education-needy. Even in the aesthetic Gatling fire of mixed techniques and sources—archive footage (sometimes colour-tinted), old photos, interviews, dramatised re-enactment—some scenes slow down to deliver a more sustained impact. »
-- Nigel Andrews

Source :
ANDREWS, Nigel. « Hero is a remarkable film about a virtuous man », critique de Hero, Financial Times (London), 2 octobre 2019. [en anglais]