Base de données sur les 
réalisatrices canadiennes
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Recherche rapide par nom de famille

Dripping Water

Réalisé par Michael Snow et Joyce Wieland
Canada, 1969 (expérimental, 10 minutes, noir et blanc)
Dripping Water
Image : © Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre

Description du film [en anglais] :
« You see nothing but a white, crystal white plate, and water dripping into the plate, from the ceiling, from high, and you hear the sound of the water dripping. [...] »
-- Jonas Mekas (source)


Notes sur Dripping Water


Citation sur Dripping Water [en anglais]

« This film is 'personal film'. It is very intimate, solitary play. It is beautifully, warmly enclosed. The color! But most important: the filmmaker is seen making the film (which you are seeing) of herself and her magical manipulations of the camera, of mirrors, lenses, water, various objects, and herself. »
-- Michael Snow (source)

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