Base de données sur les 
réalisatrices canadiennes
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One Woman

Réalisé par Anne Wheeler
Canada, 1972 (fiction, 25 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Focuses on two days in the life of a young woman attempting to leave her marriage and establish herself as an independent person. Depicts the financial, emotional, and social circumstances a separated woman faces when she decides to set out on her own. »
-- WorldCat (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Anne Wheeler, Toni Johnston, Lorna Rasmussen, Lorna Jackson Dub
Produit par : Anne Wheeler
Narrateur : Astrid McEachern
Participants : Astrid McEachern, Edna Ross, Carmen Heath, William Thorsell
Images : Anne Wheeler, Lorna Rasmussen
Montage images : Anne Wheeler
Musique : Anne Wheeler, Paul Clark
Société de production : Filmwest Associates

Citations de la réalisatrice [en anglais]

« A few weeks after our initial meeting, a rough script [for One Woman] was drafted. The [Edmonton] Journal ran a small item explaining the film to some extent and outlining the kind of women we had in mind to play the roles. [...] We expected to interview a handful of young women interested in playing one of the roles. Instead we were greeted that morning by a flood of women, young and not-so-young, some of whom were interested in acting, but most just wanted to talk. [...] From these outpourings we built a film script that we hope will point out a few of the legal and cultural problems a woman who is trying to change her self-image will encounter. »
-- Anne Wheeler, Lorna Rasmussen, Toni Johnston, Lorna Jackson Dub (source)

« Working together on the film brought many rewards. Refusing to accept the traditional patriarchal hierarchy common to film makers, we made all our decisions collectively. We have had problems both technical and ideological; we worked through them together, learning a lot about film and a lot about ourselves in the process. »
-- Anne Wheeler, Lorna Rasmussen, Toni Johnston, Lorna Jackson Dub (source)

Citation sur One Woman [en anglais]

« [One Woman] illuminates all the common elements of women trapped in affluent contradictions, defined by their fathers and husbands. The film does not, however, capture the urgency and desperation of many women's situations and leaves one hanging. »
-- Kaye Sullivan (source)

Bibliographie sur One Woman

Articles de journaux, de revues grand public ou de sites d'information en ligne

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