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Réalisé par Gariné Torossian
Canada, 2000 (expérimental / fiction, 26 minutes, couleurs)
Image : © Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Hokees is about Anahida, a contemporary Armenian woman, pregnant with the child of her Turkish lover who is haunted by the past. An artistic blending of the real and unreal, the past and present are tightly woven into emotionally visual experience. In Armenian, Hokees literally means 'soul' or 'spirit. »
-- Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Aaron Marti
Produit par : Brent Barclay
Interprètes principaux : Arsinée Khanjian, John Mighton, Linda Gizirian
Images : Kim Derko
Montage images : Mark Baxter

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