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Réalisé par Madison Thomas
Canada, 2014 (fiction, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Heartwired takes place in the near future. Medical advancements are being made every day due to new technology and research. A woman known simply as 'Doc' believes she has made what could quite possibly be the medical breakthrough of her generation. Bringing the dead back to life. [...] »
-- Internet Movie Database (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Madison Thomas
Produit par : Ashley Hirt
Interprètes principaux : Ashley Hirt, Summer H. Howell, Aaron Hughes, Mel Marginet, Vanessa Mayberry
Images : Andrew Luczenczyn
Musique : Justin Delorme
Société de production : Prairie Kid Productions

Notes sur Heartwired


Sites Web sur Heartwired

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