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Abortion: Stories from North and South

Réalisé par Gail Singer
Canada, 1984 (documentaire, 55 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Autre titre : « L'avortement : histoire secrète »
Abortion: Stories from North and South
Image : © Office national du film du Canada

Description du film :
« Une enquête sur les réalités culturelles et historiques de la pratique de l'avortement à travers le monde. Tourné en Irlande, en Thaïlande, au Pérou, en Colombie et au Canada, le film révèle comment cet acte transcende la race, la religion et les classes sociales et donne aux femmes, d'où qu'elles soient, l'occasion de faire entendre leur voix. Un film qui revendique pour les femmes le droit à des soins médicaux sûrs. »
-- Office national du film du Canada (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Gail Singer
Produit par : Signe Johansson, Gail Singer, Kathleen Shannon
Narrateur : Dixie Seattle
Montage images : Toni Trow
Musique : Maribeth Solomon, Micky Erbe
Société de production : National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada

Notes sur Abortion: Stories from North and South


Citations sur Abortion: Stories from North and South [en anglais]

« Through these and other images assembled by writer, director, and co-producer Gail Singer with co-producer Signe Johansson [...], the fact that women have had, are now having, will continue to have abortions, no matter what the consequences, takes on a stunning new reality. The common thread running through these often tragic stories is that men, from popes to politicians, decide whether women will be allowed legal birth control and abortion, or be driven to back streets and questionable procedures. Although this emphasis on women's lack of control over their own bodies is as disheartening as it is true, Abortion: Stories from North and South is ultimately an essential film because it introduces us to a new range of experiences of women who share an intimate dilemma. »
-- Kathryn Jankowski (source)

« If the film does have a Western ethnocentric perspective, it is clearest in the contrast between the sequences that deal with abortion in the West—the ones constructed in part as fiction—and those located in the underdeveloped world in which the point of view is that of an intrepid Margaret Mead, anthropological and distanced, consolidated by the relentless presence of voice-over. »
-- Brenda Longfellow (source)

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