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Réalisé par Alanis Obomsawin
Canada, 1977 (documentaire, 40 minutes, couleurs, anglais)
Image : © Office national du film du Canada

Description du film [en anglais] :
« A week-long festival was organized by a group of Montreal residents to raise funds in support of the Cree Indians who stood to lose their land because of the James Bay hydro-electric project. This film, made by Native filmmaker Alanis Obomsawin, alternates between spectacular performances by Indian and Inuit peoples and the meeting halls of Mistassini, where they talk of their past as a way of defending their future. »
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Produit par : Alanis Obomsawin, Dorothy Courtois, Wolf Koenig
Images : Bob Charlie, Buckley Petawabano
Montage images : Jeanette Lerman, Buckley Petawabano, Daniel Wapachee, Judith Merritt
Société de production : National Film Board of Canada

Citation sur Amisk [en anglais]

« Amisk is more than a concert film, a somewhat pejorative designation in nonfiction cinema. Rather, it is a testimony to cultural survival and creativity. Indeed, Obomsawin captured what was in many ways a turning point for Native resistance against government arrogance and white Canadian ethnocentrism, using the concert as a microcosm of the larger perspective in which unique Native voices would talk back to white Canada and, for the first time, be heard. »
-- Randolph Lewis (source)

Bibliographie sur Amisk

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