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Ever Deadly

Réalisé par Chelsea McMullan et Tanya Tagaq
Canada, 2022 (documentaire, 90 minutes, couleurs / noir et blanc, anglais / inuktitut)
Autre titre : « Chasseuse de son »
Ever Deadly
Image : © Office national du film du Canada
Vidéo (Office national du film du Canada) [anglais]

Description du film :
« Musicienne (Prix Polaris avec l'album Anima), autrice (le roman autobiographique Croc fendu), activiste, l'artiste inuite Tanya Tagaq cumule les talents et hypnotise sur scène. Son approche inventive et avant-gardiste du chant de gorge, où elle transforme autant son corps que sa voix, plonge le public dans une force de transe. C'est cette expérience viscérale que la cinéaste Chelsea McMullan nous transmet en s'associant à la chanteuse pour un projet documentaire immersif, fiévreux et multisensoriel. À de palpitantes séquences de concert se couplent des instants intimes filmés au Nunavut, révélant une femme engagée et protectrice de sa famille ainsi qu'une créatrice dont le rapport à la musique est aussi puissant que son lien à la Nuna—la terre. »
-- Festival du nouveau cinéma de Montréal (source)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« From the first extended shot, a close-up of throat singing performed by the Polaris Music Prize- and Juno Award-winning artist Tanya Tagaq and performance artist Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory on location in Nunavut, Ever Deadly focuses on what is important to Tagaq: nuna (land) and music. The feature documentary, a collaboration between Tagaq and award-winning director Chelsea McMullan, offers a slice of life and performance from the experimental Inuk throat singer. Thrilling concert footage of Tagaq's performances are interspersed with personal moments, like the singer traversing over shale—the sound of her steps noted for their musicality—with her kids and discussing how her parents shaped her. Notedly outspoken in favour of the seal hunt, the singer also reflects on how vital hunting is in the North, and how perilous it is just to survive there. The visceral experience continues with illustrations by Inuk artist Shuvinai Ashoona, which animate and capture Tagaq's words spoken from her novel, Split Tooth. Off-stage, not in performance mode, Tagaq is private, soft-spoken, and very funny. She is allowing viewers into her world—this is the first film she has agreed to—and what she reveals makes one sit up and take notice. She invites viewers into the painful story of her family, and Inuit and Canadian history. In Inuktitut, Tagaq's mother talks about the forced relocation of their family, with empty promises and the harsh reality that greeted her. Tagaq also puts a spotlight on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, in particular the death of an Inuk girl named Loretta Saunders, and invoking the names of other women and girls as her music turns into a painful wail. Moments peeking behind the curtain of the ferocious singer feel special, and taken as a whole with her electric performances, Ever Deadly is indeed deadly. »
-- Kelly Boutsalis (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Tanya Tagaq, Chelsea McMullan
Produit par : Lea Marin, Anita Lee, Kate Vollum
Participants : Tanya Tagaq, Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory, Mary Gillis, Inuuja Gillis, Lucas Kalluk
Images : Alejandro Coronado
Animation : Glenn Gear, Fred Casia, Parissa Mohit
Montage images : Avril Jacobson
Musique : Jesse Zubot
Société de production : National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada
Générique additionnel : Vocals / Voix : Tanya Tagaq

Notes sur Ever Deadly


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