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The Cola Conquest

Réalisé par Irene Lilienheim Angelico
Canada, 1998 (documentaire, 50 minutes, noir et blanc, anglais)
Autre titre : « I epelasi tis cola »

Description du film [en anglais] :
« In the dramatic campaign for Cola consumers, the stakes are not the taste buds, but the hearts, souls and identities of nations. [Irene Lilienheim] Angelico looks at Coca Cola's marketing techniques through a wealth of historical archives, advertising old and new, interviews with former Coke and Pepsi employees, and footage from seven countries. Her straightshooting picture of the corporation asks how Coke, especially in its rivalry with Pepsi, has ceased to be a drink and become an icon of the American Dream. 'Just as Coke is free to pump millions into its astoundingly shrewd and influential ad campaigns, we ultimately become better consumers if programs like The Cola Conquest make us realize exactly what's been done to subtly affect our behavior.' - Henry Mietkiewicz, Toronto Star »
-- Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Paul Cowan, Irene Angelico, Howard Goldberg
Produit par : Abbey Neidik, Irene Angelico, Amy Webb, Jan Rofekamp, Kate Kung
Images : Marc Gadoury
Montage images : Howard Goldberg, Irene Angelico, Torben Schioler
Musique : Normand Roger, Denis Chartrand
Société de production : DLI Productions

Notes sur The Cola Conquest


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