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Fatherhood Dreams

Réalisé par Julia Ivanova
Canada, 2007 (documentaire, 55 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« The documentary Fatherhood Dreams invites people into the day-to-day lives of gay dads Scott, Steve, Randy and Drew, who are fathers through adoption, co-parenting, and surrogacy. We'll stay with Steve and his co-parenting partners, lesbian mothers Coreen and Wendy while they are raising two children on an isolated island. We'll hear from a surrogate mother expecting Scott's twins. And we'll visit the house of adopted child's birth family that chose Randy and Drew, a gay family, to be the parents to baby Jack. These men represent a new possibility, showing how in a modern world gay parenting can transform from a distant dream into a reality. »
-- Fatherhood Dreams Productions (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Produit par : Boris Ivanov, Julia Ivanova
Images : Dennis Guskov
Montage images : Sarah Hedar
Musique : John Korsrud
Société de production : Interfilm Productions / Fatherhood Dreams Productions

Sites Web sur Fatherhood Dreams

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