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Small, Stupid, and Insignificant

Réalisé par Valerie Buhagiar
Canada, 2010 (expérimental, 43 minutes, couleurs, anglais)

Description du film [en anglais] :
« Small, Stupid and Insignificant [...] is a not so funny film about a family's struggle with choosing to live. Marie is a single mom, her sister is in a coma, and her Mama is a rosary clutching leave-it-to-God kind of woman. Marie is haunted by her sister, who has been in a coma for 3 years, to pull the plug. And yet, neither of them feels like living. This all changes after one intoxicated night when Marie meets a wandering spirit that helps her realize not only her sister's wish for freedom, but also her own. [...] »
-- (source)

Générique (partiel) :
Scénario : Valerie Buhagiar
Produit par : Valerie Buhagiar, Sandra Paolucci, Mike Masters
Interprètes principaux : Tara Nicodemo, Elana McMurtry, Maria Vacratsis, Richard Clarkin, Rosie Elia, Miranda Calderon, Steven Gallagher, Deitre Courchesne, Jake Chalmers, Allan Aarons, Michael Hughes
Images : James Griffith
Montage images : Boyd Bonitzke
Musique : Richard Feren
Société de production : Out of the Blue Film Productions

Sites Web sur Small, Stupid, and Insignificant

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