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Until Someone Listens -- Description du film [en anglais] :
« Until Someone Listens documents the healing journeys of seven Grandview survivors. Their stories offer insight to those who have had similar experiences, to families and friends of survivors and to professional staff who work with abused women and children. We hope as well, that the Grandview survivors who appear in the film will challenge stereotypical ideas about abuse and recovery. The Grandview Survivors Support Group commissioned this video tape. The survivors wanted to effect systemic change and raise awareness of the prevalence of child abuse in institutional settings. The group wanted to make a difference to the way society responds both to adult survivors of childhood abuse and children in need. Each of the film's seven segments or chapters features a Grandview survivor whose experience reflects a particular path toward healing. You will see women at different points in their struggle. Some have been shattered, but all work daily to hold their lives together. Though many Grandview girls experienced similar forms of sexual, physical and emotional abuse, each developed her own skills and often shared those skills with others. Each survivor, in other words, found her own healing path. Some have benefited from the support of therapists, friends, family and partners. Others have chosen a more solitary journey. The women in the film make it clear that there are different ways to deal with the consequences of institutional abuse. »
-- V tape

Source :
"V tape: Catalogue" V tape.