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Vues de l'Est -- Description du film [en anglais] :
« In 2003, filmmaker Carole Laganière went back to the east-end Montreal neighbourhood where she grew up. One of the poorest neighbourhoods in the city, she found children who were living there at the time and asked them questions about their hopes for the future. What do they think about where they live? Where do they hope their lives will take them? And as Laganière arms them with still cameras of their own, the subjects set out to answer some of these questions themselves. More than just a concept or idea, East End Kids becomes an empowering and insightful piece about this group of children, born into circumstances that are—at best—uncertain and certainly unfair. The film creates a conversation that confronts our preconceived notions of class, age and the status quo. Where historically their dreams have been ignored, and statistically there is little hope for change, Laganière provides a place for their voices to be heard. »
-- Sarafina DiFelice

Source :
Hot Docs Screening Schedule, Toronto, Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival, 2015. [en anglais] [brochure]