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"Few pictures are destined to make a wider appeal than The Grub-Stake, in which Nell Shipman stars at the Rose Theater, starting Monday. This remarkable girl, noted for her pictures of the great outdoors, not only plays the leading role in the new picture, but wrote the story and, with Bert Van Tuyle, directed it. It is truly a Nell Shipman production. [...] In Nell Shipman's picture it is a girl who makes the appeal to a man—a girl struggling against adverse circumstances in Seattle, who wishes to go to Alaska in order to make a fresh start. Without realizing in the simplicity of her heart, the nature of the man she is dealing with, she obtains her grub-stake and pays for it a price more bitter than she thought possible. It is from this incident that the story progresses through surprise, heartbreak, courage, thrilling adventures and unbelievable hardship to a conclusion as sweet as the air of the forests the heroine has learned to love."
-- The Leader (Regina)

The Leader (Regina). "'The Grub Stake' is Nell Shipman's latest picture: Extraordinary assemblage of wild animals in picture—starting Monday at Rose." Review of The Grub-Stake. The Leader (Regina), June 27, 1925.