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"In fifteen precise shots the film [Speak Body] economically and evocatively gives voice to multiple views of various women's experience of abortion, as testimony. And voice, Speak Body's primary mode of address, is its structural lynchpin. A rhythmic, almost breathless, rush of female voices conjoin—in a sometimes staccato, sometimes lyrical manner—to give various (and often contradictory) ruminations on their lived experience. Although these cross-cut, sound-looped voices are non-synchronous and mostly disembodied (rarely are we offered the opportunity to directly match a voice to an image of a woman, yet there are conceptual links), Speak Body adroitly eschews its normalized effects, distance and objectivity, in its application to documentary practice."
-- Kass Banning

Banning, Kass. "The Canadian Feminist Hybrid Documentary." CineAction, no. 26/27 (Winter 1992). (p. 111)