Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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End Game in Paris

Directed by Veronika Soul
Canada, 1982 (fiction, 17 minutes, colour, English)

Film Description:
"End Game in Paris, based on the Ian Adams novel, is the same precise, highly compressed, sophisticated, extraordinarily well-crafted work that we have come to expect from Veronika Soul. This one is a film noir treatment of a man's doppel-gänger obsession."
-- Festival of Festivals (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Veronika Soul, Ian Adams
Based on: End Game in Paris, a novel by Ian Adams
Produced by: Robert Verrall
Principal Cast: Christian Bordeleau, Louis Di Bianco, William Dunlop, Kathleen Fee, Sheena Larkin, François Pratte, Margarita Stocker, Katherine Trowell, Vlasta Vrana, David Conner
Cinematography: Wolf Koenig
Film Editing: Veronika Soul

Notes about End Game in Paris


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