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Shiva Baby

Directed by Emma Seligman
Canada / United States, 2020 (fiction, 77 minutes, colour, English)
Shiva Baby
Image: © Photon Films

Film Description:
"Emma Seligman's Shiva Baby focuses on twentysomething Danielle (Rachel Sennott), a perennial student who's been lying to her supportive but overbearing parents about her faltering academic career. Then again, she has a lot of secrets she's keeping, including her relationship with an older man, Max (Danny Deferrari), who also gives her money. Hauled off to a shiva by her parents, she's mortified to encounter her embittered ex Maya (Molly Gordon from Booksmart), followed by other people who make things increasingly more awkward for Danielle. Much to her chagrin, she finds out that many of them have secrets of their own. (Like many people who aren't especially truthful, she's deeply offended when she discovers someone's been lying to her.) Shiva Baby is a caustically affectionate comedy about tightly knit families and communities, and the comfort and anguish they're often responsible for. Seligman expertly structures the film, as Danielle lurches from one potentially catastrophic encounter to another—each one threatening to expose her multiple fabrications—while navigating spilled drinks, wailing babies, and an endless string of friends and relations anxious to give Danielle advice. [...]"
-- Cameron Bailey (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Emma Seligman
Produced by: Katie Schiller, Lizzie Shapiro, Emma Seligman, Kieran Altmann, Rhianon Jones, Rachel Sennott, Victoria Ku, Martin Altmann, Fiona Altmann, Sue Collins
Principal Cast: Rachel Sennott, Molly Gordon, Polly Draper, Danny Deferrari, Fred Melamed, Dianna Agron
Cinematography: Maria Rusche
Film Editing: Hanna Park
Music: Ariel Marx
Production Company: Thick Media, Neon Heart Productions, It Doesn't Suck Productions, Dimbo Pictures, Irving Harvey

Notes about Shiva Baby


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