Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Hotel Chronicles

Directed by Léa Pool
Canada, 1990 (documentary, 74 minutes, colour, French)
Hotel Chronicles
Image: © National Film Board of Canada

Film Description:
"From one hotel to another, from the heart of Manhattan to the depths of Death Valley, the filmmaker reflects on modern America. In 'road movie' style, with improvised encounters, the filmmaker examines the American myth and pounders the fate of Uncle Sam's country in the media age. The land of the brave is no longer the land of Kennedy, Martin Luther King and all the 60s idealists. Refusing to pass final judgement on the American dream, the filmmaker, at the end of her travels, sees some sign of new hope."
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Léa Pool, Laurent Gagliardi
Produced by: Éric Michel
Cinematography: Georges Dufaux
Film Editing: Alain Belhumeur
Music: Robert M. Lepage
Production Company: Office national du film du Canada / National Film Board of Canada

Quote by the Director [in French]

"Il s'agit d'une chronique. C'est comme un journal de bord. Je me suis laissée surprendre par les gens et les événements. J'ai choisi des hôtels parce que les hôtels sont des lieux de rencontres. Après Mouvements du désir, j'avais envie de renouer avec le documentaire. Alterner fiction et documentaire peut devenir un facteur d'équilibre."
-- Léa Pool (source)

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