Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Directed by Roger Cantin and Danyèle Patenaude
Canada, 1980 (experimental, 14 minutes, colour, French)

Film Description:
"This film is the fruit of five years of research on a technique called 'pixilative documentary': if we play with time and light, movement can take place in new forms. We consider our experiment completely successful when with only one shot we are able to show a new dimension, thereby making visible an otherwise invisible phenomenon"
-- Roger Cantin (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Roger Cantin, Danyèle Patenaude
Produced by: Roger Cantin
Cinematography: Roger Cantin, Danyèle Patenaude
Film Editing: Roger Cantin, Jean Saulnier
Music: Christian St-Rock
Production Company: Les Productions Soleil, ACPAV

Notes about Pixilation


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