Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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By This Parting

Directed by Mieko Ouchi
Canada, 1998 (documentary, 14 minutes, colour, English)

Film Description:
"With the use of images, poetry and music, director Ouchi evokes the spirits of, and pays homage to, her family and their history. By This Parting is a thoughtful and highly personal glimpse into the Canadian internment experience."
-- Stacey Donen (source)


Notes about By This Parting


Quote about By This Parting

"[Mieko] Ouchi's film [By This Parting] re-presents the experience of interned Japanese Canadians from their own perspective, in their own words and images. Ouchi provides a highly imaginative re-visioning of the internment experience through the intersection of different media—photographs, poetry, music and dance—to represent the story of an aunt, Mrs Chiba, who was interned at New Denver."
-- Christopher E. Gittings (source)

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