Film Description: "Recently heartbroken, Charlotte decides to put an end on her emotional dependence and explores her sexuality. 17-year-old Charlotte is going through her first serious breakup. To get over her ex-boyfriend, she decides to explore her recent freedom and sleep around with other guys. When a local toy megastore is looking for students as casual staff for the Christmas holiday season, Charlotte applies instantly as she's somewhat smitten by the guys who already work at the store. Her new colleagues are clearly interested in her as well and Charlotte has a blast with different no-strings-attached love affairs. However, when her newfound sexual empowerment gives her the 'perfect score' in a game created by her male co-workers, she finds herself at the centre of workplace gossip. Fed up with outdated gender norms, Charlotte and her female colleagues hatch a plan. The film explores teenage girls' desires, the blurred lines between sex and friendship, and the unfair double standard imposed upon girls. It is a story of desire, self-censorship, and self-assertion." -- Luxembourg City Film Festival
Film Description [in French] : "Jouets Dépôt engage des saisonniers qui n'auront plus d'emploi après Noël. Cet emploi aide Charlotte, dix-sept ans, à se remettre de sa peine d'amour. Elle aime beaucoup sa nouvelle équipe de travail. Si bien que le 1er novembre, elle réalise qu'elle a couché avec tous ses collègues masculins. Sous le choc, elle va créer un mouvement d'absence et convaincre les filles de cesser de coucher avec leurs collègues jusqu'à Noël!" -- Québec Cinéma