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Divided by Zero

Directed by Danis Goulet
Canada, 2006 (fiction, 16 minutes, colour, English)

Film Description:
"Ashley, a young Aboriginal crusader of all causes is stopped in her activist tracks after an awkward conversation with her boyfriend's well-meaning mother. In a determined attempt to re-assert her 'cultural authenticity,' Ashley builds a tipi in her suburban bedroom using internet instructions."
-- V tape (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Danis Goulet
Produced by: Danis Goulet, Sonia Hosko, Gisele Gordon, Daniel Iron
Principal Cast: Tinsel Korey, Pamela Matthews, Taysha Fuller, Kit Weyman, Catherine Hayos
Cinematography: Colin Akoon
Film Editing: Ellen Fine
Music: Matt Skal

Quote about Divided by Zero

"Questions over her Native identity provokes Ashley's crisis; or perhaps more accurately, her concern over not being Native enough. Ashley lives with her mother and sister in a culturally mixed, middle class Canadian neighborhood. Ashley's earnest activist boyfriend and his affectedly liberal mother are white. Broadly speaking, Ashley's identity crisis is typical of adolescence, something the film [Divided by Zero] presents with humor and dignity. If it is a goal of this work to question some of the assumptions about Native identity, it is an elegant choice to set it in the context of adolescence, itself a time of 'becoming' and of searching for identity."
-- Elizabeth Claire Kalbfleisch (source)

Bibliography for Divided by Zero

Brief Sections of Dissertations

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