Film Description: "Documentary film about the history of women and women's rights in Canada. It uses still images, motion pictures and contemporary written commentary to illustrate the following subjects: the lives of early Canadian pioneer women and immigrant women; traditional roles and tasks performed by Canadian women in the past; the rise of women against male dominance; the fight for the vote and for the right to university education; customs and social stereotyping which discriminated against women; the role of Lady Aberdeen and the social reform movement; efforts to improve the lives of women and children; efforts to improve the lot of working women, particularly in the realm of salary and working conditions; the suffragists; the temperance crusade; the changing status of women during the First World War, when many women did war-related work outside the home and some women got the right to vote; the return to traditional roles after the war; Agnes McPhail; Emily Murphy; Thérèse Casgrain; how the Depression of the 1930s halted reforms; the changes brought about by World War Two; Margaret Hyndman; the entry into the workforce of thousands of women during the Second World War; the impact of the 1950s and 1960s, with such changes as the birth control pill and the availability of household labour-saving appliances; the polarization between women's 'libbers' and the establishment; Laura Sabia; the number of teachers in the workforce in Toronto, why teachers are in the majority; the Royal Commission on the Status of Women; Doris Anderson; [Laurel Ritchie]; [Sandra Birkenmayer]; [Maryon Kantaroff] and [Mary Eberts]." -- Library and Archives Canada