Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Directed by Marianne Farley
Canada, 2017 (fiction, 19 minutes, colour, French)

Film Description [in French] :
"Une dame âgée et son infirmière développent une amitié qui poussera celle-ci à déterrer des désirs et passions inavoués et ainsi faire la paix avec son passé."
-- Cinémathèque québécoise (source)

Film Description:
"An aging woman develops a friendship with her nurse that inspires her to unearth an unacknowledged longing, helping her make peace with her past."
-- TIFF Bell Lightbox (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Marianne Farley
Produced by: Marie-Hélène Panisset, Charlotte Beaudoin-Poisson
Principal Cast: Marianne Farley
Cinematography: Marc Simpson-Threlford
Film Editing: Mathieu Bélanger
Music: Julien Knafo
Production Company: DIY Films, Les Films de L'Hydre

Notes about Marguerite


Quote by the Director

"I was thinking about my grandmother and the difference between what her generation was born into and the generation I was born into. When it comes to women's rights, minority rights and the LGBTQ community, I realized my grandmother could not have had the same life I have—not that mine is all that exciting. It just came to me one day: what if this woman had been in love with another woman?"
-- Marianne Farley (source)

Quote by the Director [in French]

"Je n'ai pas la prétention d'avoir fait une différence avec Marguerite. Mais je sais que le court métrage a bouleversé beaucoup de gens. Et j'ose espérer que ça n'a pas bouleversé uniquement des gens de la communauté LGBTQ, mais aussi ceux de la communauté hétérosexuelle qui, peut-être, portent encore un certain jugement."
-- Marianne Farley (source)

Bibliography for Marguerite

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Web Sites about Marguerite

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