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The Grandfather Drum

Directed by Michelle Derosier
Canada, 2016 (animation, 13 minutes, colour, Anishinaabemowin / English)

Film Description:
"Beautifully crafted animation combines with masterful storytelling in Anishinaabe filmmaker Michelle Derosier's film about a magic drum. For the Anishinabek, the drum is a revered object that brings healing. With this particular drum now part of a museum collection, The Grandfather Drum is a timely film about the dispossession of Indigenous ceremonial artifacts."
-- Aisha Jamal (source)

Film Description:
"This unique animation follows the story of Naamowin's drum, a drum revered for its healing powers by the Anishinabek of the upper Berens River. Upon the death of his grandson, Naamowin builds a healing drum given to him in a dream that can restore life. However, Christianity and government have other plans that disrupt the delicate balance between the sky-world and the underworld."
-- Thunderstone Pictures (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Michelle Derosier
Produced by: Michelle Derosier, Sonya Lacroix, Dave Clement
Principal Cast: Shane Ehman, Jayricho Mekanak, Dallas Napash, William Roberts, Fred Suggashie, Liam Wesley
Narrator: Fred Suggashie
Animation: George Renner
Film Editing: George Renner
Music: Elizabeth Hill
Production Company: Thunderstone Pictures

Notes about The Grandfather Drum


Quote about The Grandfather Drum

"Everybody that worked on [The Grandfather Drum] on every level—from sound design to illustration to animation to post-production—was from northern Ontario, so we're pretty proud of that."
-- Dave Clement (source)

Bibliography for The Grandfather Drum

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