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Throat Song

Directed by Miranda de Pencier
Canada, 2011 (fiction, 15 minutes, colour, English)
Also known as "Aus tiefer Kehle", "Chant de gorge"

Film Description:
"Inspired by conversations with Inuit human rights activist Miqqusaaq, the dramatic short film Throat Song takes place in the icy landscape of Iqaluit, Nunavut, a small town in the Canadian Arctic. Ippik (Ippiksaut Friesen), a young Inuk woman, is silently suffering from the pains of an abusive relationship. Lost in a community that's been tragically separated from its past, Ippik, through a job with the Department of Justice, begins to connect with other victims of violence in her community, and seeks to reclaim her voice."
-- Northwood Productions (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Miranda de Pencier
Produced by: Miranda de Pencier, Stacey MacDonald Aglok, Riel Roch-Decter, Therese Ludlow, Qajaaq Ellsworth, Alethea Arnaquq-Baril
Principal Cast: Ippiksaut Friesen, Maata Michael, Jennifer Kilabuk, Brian Tagalik, Paul Nutarariaq, Dodie Netser, Miali Buscemi, Laakkuluk Williamson, Ellen Hamilton, Maya Illnik, Beatrice Ikkidluak, Allen Auksaq
Cinematography: Seamus Tierney
Film Editing: Riel Roch-Decter, Geoff Ashenhurst
Music: Gabriel Morley
Production Company: Puhitaq, Northwood Productions.

Award won by Throat Song

Notes about Throat Song


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