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Directed by Mireille Dansereau
United Kingdom, 1969 (documentary, 58 minutes, black and white, English)
Image: © Productions Ciné-Plurielles

Film Description [in French] :
"Enregistrement d'une discussion tendue entre trois personnes autour de la question de 'révolution'. Steve Ben Israel (membre du Living Theatre), James Cellan Jones (réalisateur de la BBC) et David Autie (sculpteur) s'affrontent dans un débat qui provoqua une forte prise de conscience politique et radicale parmi les étudiants du Royal College of Art, de Londres."
-- Les Productions Ciné-Plurielles (source)

Film Description:
"Forum is the film recording of a fiery discussion between three persons: romantic militant from the Living Theatre, Steve Ben Israel, a wealthy liberal, James Cellan Jones (B.B.C. drama director) and a Marxist sculptor, David Autie. Conceived for television, Forum was later adapted to the 16 mm. screen. [Mireille] Dansereau made the film with the participation of the Royal College Students and their television department."
-- New Canadian Film (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Mireille Dansereau
Participants: James Cellan Jones, Steven Ben Israel, David Autie
Cinematography: Stephen Goldblatt, Tony Scott, Jeff Walker
Film Editing: Mireille Dansereau
Production Company: Royal College of Art, Polit Kino

Quote by the Director [in French]

"Le film [Forum] est un vidéo. Je montais le film en même temps que je filmais. Il y avait trois caméras et j'étais à la table où je montais directement le film. Le film est exactement ce qui s'est passé, sans modification. Ensuite j'ai transcrit le vidéo sur film 16mm."
-- Mireille Dansereau (source)

Quote about Forum

"Montreal-born filmmaker Mireille Dansereau's second film, Forum, was shown at a special screening in Montreal as part of the Museum of Fine Arts series entitled 'Cinéma de contestation' on September 18th [1970]."
-- New Canadian Film (source)

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