Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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The Red Paper

Directed by Dana Claxton
Canada, 1996 (video art, 14 minutes, colour, English)

Film Description:
"An all-Aboriginal cast (but for two white actors distilled to the essence of a European male and female) is costumed in a low-budget opulence of flowing gowns, ruffled shirts and buckled boots, powerfully delivering pseudo-Elizabethan dialogue composed of 'art thou's'... The Red Paper asserts a voice of power and interpretation recounting the devastating consequences of colonialism. The European male wears a strait jacket, repeatedly mumbling 'I did not know, I did not know', in a familiar contemporary mantra that pleads self proclaimed absolution from guilt by reason of ignorance of history... Claxton irreverently and consciously opts for a lack of historical specificity in favour of a totalizing haunting by history in the present."
-- V tape (source)


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