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Vegetable Insects

Directed by Evelyn Spice Cherry
Canada, 1946 (documentary, 22 minutes, black and white, English)
Also known as "Insectes du potager"
Vegetable Insects
Image: © National Film Board of Canada

Film Description:
"The saboteurs of the vegetable garden, revealed in their fantastic forms and colors, preying on our crops, and sometimes on one another. Entomologists use their knowledge of the life cycles and feeding habits of these biting, boring, sucking and rasping food raiders to reinforce natural controls and safeguard the farmer's crops. Among the garden pests shown in close-up are potato beetles, caterpillars, aphids, cutworms, squash bugs, corn ear worms and root maggots."
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Narrator: Tommy Tweed
Film Editing: Bill Blakeney
Production Company: National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada

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