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People of the Potlatch

Directed by Laura Boulton
Canada, 1944 (documentary, 21 minutes, colour, English)
Also known as "Les Indiens de la côte ouest"
People of the Potlatch
Image: © National Film Board of Canada

Film Description:
"The native peoples of northern British Columbia still hunt and fish, using a combination of traditional ways and modern equipment and techniques where appropriate. Lumbering and trapping bring them money and goods. Their traditional arts and crafts, however, remain essentially unchanged. This archival film reflects the social and cultural values and beliefs prevalent at the time of production."
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Produced by: Laura Boulton
Participants: Marius Barbeau
Cinematography: Leroy Robbins
Production Company: National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada

Quote about People of the Potlatch

"The potlatch was not really described in detail, nor was the imposition of modern life on the Queen Charlotte Islands treated with anything but praise. The viewer might have wondered if smiling Indian children at the Canadian government school were so perfectly adjusted or if indeed 'economic and spiritual needs were satisfied by basket-making.'"
-- Gary Evans (source)

Web Sites about People of the Potlatch

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