Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Eskimo Arts and Crafts

Directed by Laura Boulton
Canada, 1943 (documentary, 18 minutes, colour, English)
Also known as "L'artisanat esquimau"
Eskimo Arts and Crafts
Image: © National Film Board of Canada

Film Description:
"To the Baffin Island Inuit arts and crafts are part of life. Their handbuilt kayaks are marvels of construction and speed. Skins for new garments are dried and softened, then decorated with Indian inspired patterns. Ivory carving, bone shuttles, and hand-fashioned spears, are products of traditional skill, while legendary stories, drumming, singing, and dancing, are enjoyed by old and young alike."
-- National Film Board of Canada (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Produced by: Laura Boulton
Production Company: National Film Board of Canada / Office national du film du Canada

Quote about Eskimo Arts and Crafts

"Laura Boulton, an American from Arizona, directed a series of films on the peoples of Canada, one of which, Eskimo Arts and Crafts, is interesting for its presentation of a culture in which both sexes were considered equally important and productive."
-- Barbara Halpern Martineau (source)

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