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Directed by Nance Ackerman
Canada, 2007 (documentary, 6 minutes, colour, English)
Image: © Heartstring Productions
Video (Vimeo)

Film Description:
"A poignant, beautiful look at a small journey for Fidelis Cameron, a 102 year old organ player. Fid, who entertains residents at the Villa St Joseph du Lac home for the elderly with her elegance and piano recitals every day, travels from her room atop the converted CN Hotel down to her beloved organ to play. The organ was given to her by her daughter years ago, just before Leukemia took her life."
-- (source)

Film Credits (partial):
Written by: Nance Ackerman
Produced by: Karlie Morash
Cinematography: Christopher Ball
Film Editing: Sarah Byrne
Production Company: Heartstring Productions, RPM Productions

Notes about Fid


Web Sites about Fid

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