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Le golem de Montréal -- Film Description:
"Nico, a six-year-old boy whose parents are about to split up, decides to create a replacement father for himself with the help of his two best friends, the girls Camille and Axelle. Using a magical Jewish spell from the 15th century, the children conjure up a golem, who appears in the bathtub... The golem doesn't know how to talk and seems unfamiliar with modern-day customs. Nevertheless, he carries out his orders to the letter, and it's party time! Not long after, the golem attempts to return home, but nothing seems to work. And a rival gang of kids jealously wants to get their hands on him... Can Nico hold on to his new friend?"
-- Telefilm Canada

"Telefilm Canada: Catalogues: Golem de Montréal (Le)" Telefilm Canada.