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A Simple Rhythm -- Film Description:
"Deep in our subconscious, we're all tuned to the cadence of existence. The universe has a peculiar and mystical method of keeping things connected. This simple yet profound tempo is the central subject in what is best described as a symphonic documentary. Tess Girard's thoughtfully composed images ground the philosophical musings of a diverse group of thinkers. From a nurse meditating on the final pulses of a life to a theoretical mathematician citing scientific synchrony, an omnipresent pulse emerges. The director of the Global Consciousness Project and musician Charles Spearin (Broken Social Scene and Do May Say Think) eloquently explain the beats that bind us, finding familiar patterns in everyday minutiae. Stunningly photographed details of daily life form the core of a montage assembled with passion and precision. This immersive cinematic experience will forever change how you see, hear and feel the world around you."
-- Alex Rogalski

"Hot Docs" Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival.