Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Mina Shum

Countries: Canada / Hong Kong
Born: 1966

Films directed by Mina Shum

Quotes by Mina Shum

"I never realized, really, how there was a void in mainstream media of fair representation, until I started making films myself."
-- Mina Shum (source)

"The theme [of all my films] is 'You have one life, so you have to live who you really are'."
-- Mina Shum (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Mina Shum, please see:   Picture Perfect    Me, Mom and Mona    Double Happiness    Drive, She Said    Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity    Ninth Floor    Meditation Park   

Notes about Mina Shum


Bibliography for Mina Shum

Section 1: Publications by Mina Shum

Section 2: Publications about Mina Shum

Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Web Sites

Section 3: Publications about the Films of Mina Shum

Me, Mom and Mona (1993)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Double Happiness (1994)  (also known as: "Bonheur aigre-doux")

Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books

Journal Articles

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Drive, She Said (1997)  (also known as: "Ingen väg tillbaka")

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity (2002)  (also known as: "Fu lu shou: Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity")

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Ninth Floor (2015)  (also known as: "Neuvième étage")

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Meditation Park (2017)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Mina Shum or her films:

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