Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Lynne Stopkewich (partial data)

Films directed by Lynne Stopkewich

Quotes by Lynne Stopkewich

"The funny thing about being a director is that everyone wants you to have all the answers all of the time, but sometimes you just don't. I tend to admit this but it doesn't always engender confidence in your cast and crew. [...] I always have an idea of what I want but like to remain open to other ideas when they come up. Then I go with my gut."
-- Lynne Stopkewich (source)

"You come out of film school and say, 'Oh, yes, I'm a hot-shot, and I'm going to do this film.' Then you realize what it takes to get a film off the ground, and get it made. [...] If I have any advice for first-time filmmakers, it would be to get really involved with the editing of their films. To see what they did right, and what they did wrong on the set."
-- Lynne Stopkewich (source)

Quote about Lynne Stopkewich

"[Lynne] Stopkewich's relationship to feminism has been a complex one, involving shifting allegiances and priorities, difficult negotiations within the frankly patriarchal world of commercial feature filmmaking, and a carefully cultivated sense of ambiguity around cultural norms and definitions of femininity."
-- Lee Parpart (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Lynne Stopkewich, please see:   Kissed    Suspicious River   

Notes about Lynne Stopkewich


Bibliography for Lynne Stopkewich

Section 1: Publications about Lynne Stopkewich

Book Chapters

Section 2: Publications about the Films of Lynne Stopkewich

Kissed (1996)

Book Chapters

Brief Sections of Books


Suspicious River (2000)

Brief Sections of Books

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Lynne Stopkewich or her films:

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