Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Lisa Steele (partial data)

Films directed by Lisa Steele

Quotes about Lisa Steele

"[Lisa] Steele's production technique has changed little since she began making tapes in 1972. If the tape requires mutual investigation on the part of the viewer and the performer she will orchestrate her material around the frame, making you exercise both your eyes and your powers of observation. Similarly, if you are being told a story, you will be looked at through the camera. You will be treated less like a consumer and more like an accomplice. In both instances the style is direct and secure. However you are rarely presented with a 'smooth package'. You are shown how to make your own lists, references and comparisons. The stories and the investigations often overlap, whether the content is a welfare mother relating a child's death or a clinical microbiologist describing an imminent disease."
-- Clive Robertson (source)

"[Lisa] Steele's work consistently negotiates the encounter between human body and machine, in such a way that 'the machine' encompasses the larger scope of social institutions. 'Video' is thus not only the artist's tool and medium but also an allegory for social practices of observation, investigation, censorship, and control."
-- Catherine Russell (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Lisa Steele, please see:   Birthday Suit: With Scars and Defects    The Scientist Tapes   

Bibliography for Lisa Steele

Section 1: Publications about Lisa Steele

Book Chapters

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Lisa Steele or her films:

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