Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Ann Marie Fleming (partial data)

Films directed by Ann Marie Fleming

Quote by Ann Marie Fleming

"I guess if you look at the difference between alternative films and mainstream films, unfortunately a big difference is you get to see one and you don't get to see the other."
-- Ann Marie Fleming (source)

Quote about Ann Marie Fleming

"As part of a diverse body of work that encompasses and blends documentary, avant-garde and animation, Ann Marie Fleming's 'whimsical yet trenchant stick-figure cartoons' offer micro-glimpses of her alter ego Stickgirl's self-conscious musings (I Love My Work [1998], Great Expectations [1994]) as well as pointedly ironic commentaries on gender politics (My Boyfriend Gave Me Peaches [1994], AMF's Tiresia's [1998]."
-- Diane Burgess (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Ann Marie Fleming, please see:   You Take Care Now    Five Feminist Minutes    Lip Service: A Mystery   

Bibliography for Ann Marie Fleming

Section 1: Publications by Ann Marie Fleming

Section 2: Publications about Ann Marie Fleming

Book Chapters

Web Sites

Section 3: Publications about the Films of Ann Marie Fleming

Five Feminist Minutes (1990)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam (2003)

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Ann Marie Fleming or her films:

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