Canadian Women Film Directors Database
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Alison Snowden (partial data)

Countries: Canada / United Kingdom
Born: 1958

Films directed by Alison Snowden

Quote by Alison Snowden

"We [David Fine and I] went to film school. That's why we always write first, because really, we're interested in the story and the animation is really just a means to communicate it. "
-- Alison Snowden (source)

For QUOTES about a specific film by Alison Snowden, please see:   George and Rosemary    Animal Behaviour   

Notes about Alison Snowden


Bibliography for Alison Snowden

Section 1: Publications about Alison Snowden

Brief Sections of Books

Section 2: Publications about the Films of Alison Snowden

Animal Behaviour (2018)  (also known as: "Zoothérapie")

Articles from Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites

Archival Collections

These archival institutions have holdings related to Alison Snowden or her films:

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