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"I'd like to give you an example of how people filter everything through their own perception and their own experience. I've had four different comments about They Appreciate You More [at workshops related to the Working Mothers series of films]. One person said, 'You can really tell that Aliette is the strong one and that she dominates him, because when he says something, he looks at her to check it out.' Another said, 'The roles haven't changed at all; he's still the boss, and she checks out everything she says with him.' Someone else said, 'The camera must have made them really nervous because they keep looking at each other all the time.' And another said, 'What I like best about that film is that you can see how much they love each other because they keep gazing into each other's eyes.'"
-- Kathleen Shannon

Angelico, Irene, Doris Mae Oulton, Elizabeth Prinn, and Kathleen Shannon. "Working with Film: Experiences with a Group of Films about Working Mothers (1975)." ["Originally published in Challenge for Change/Société nouvelle: Newsletter, issue no. 14, Spring 1975."] In Challenge for Change: Activist Documentary at the National Film Board of Canada, edited by Michael Brendan Baker, Thomas Waugh, and Ezra Winton. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010. (p. 53)